We collaborate with our clients to take advantage of the full potential of their spaces.
At ARCTEVI we produce, market and install our products.


We have a department with technical support that collaborates in the development of your project, giving guidance regarding the possible materials, finishes and possible compositions. A project defined in is a guarantee of success.

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Planning & Design

We developed a work scheme that allows coordinating the different aspects to be taken into account to carry out the project in the most efficient way, complying with the established parameters of attention and commitment.

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Material Supply

Following the work scheme, the goods are delivered for subsequent assembly. We carry out an exhaustive monitoring and control of the process. We provide all necessary material for its subsequent execution.

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Project Execution

We carry out the complete installation of the partitions: structure, glass, doors…, including our smart glass technology. Everything needed to complete the high quality project.

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Contact Us To Get Your Project Started

At Arctevi we are always looking for new project and challenges. Our highly trained and professional team is always at your service. Contact us today to get your project started.

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